Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 52 comentarios relacionados al producto Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 3.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.0/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. Los usuarios están encantados con el zoom y la relación calidad-precio. La portabilidad y la calidad de la imagen también consigue un buen feedback. La fiabilidad consigue comentarios menos favorables. Hay algunas opiniones heterogéneas respecto a la calidad del montaje.

funcionalidad, calidad de la imagen, zoom, portabilidad, relación calidad-precio


Analizamos las valoraciones de los usuarios y los expertos, la edad del producto y demás factores. Comparado con otros productos el Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera recibe una alaScore™ global de 90/100 = calidad excelente.

Analisis de Comentarios

(Basado en 52 comentarios)

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Evaluaciones de los usuarios  

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Mostrando 1 - 34 de 51 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera


alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 user reviews of Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 3.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk. People really like the price and size. The design and portability are also mentioned favorably, whereas there are some mixed views about the image quality. Many are critical about the zoom.

usability, portability, design, size, price


75% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera


alaTest hat 20 Kundenbewertungen für Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.1/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte auf Amazon.de. Die Portabilität und die Größe wird von den Testern positiv bewertet. Das Design wird ebenfalls positiv bewertet.

Design, Größe, Portabilität

50% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Este resumen está basado en los productos: Kodak ZM1 Mini Pocket Video Kamera (wasserdicht) grauKodak ZM1 Mini Pocket Video Kamera (wasserdicht) grau

Mar 2025

Comentario de experto escrito por : M. David Stone (pcmag.com)

Kodak Luma 75 Portable Pocket Projector Review


Compact ; Built-in battery rated at 90 minutes per charge ; Unusually sure focus control ; Supports up to 1080p input resolution

No image adjustment settings ; Low native resolution (640 by 360 pixels) ; Low 30-lumen rated brightness

The Kodak Luma 75 is a minimalist projector that fits almost anywhere, and its low brightness and resolution don't hurt its main strength: casual projecting on the fly.

Mar 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por (which.co.uk)

Kodak Mini Shot review

  (Rating Oculto)

Thanks to a recent surge in popularity, instant cameras seem to making a comeback. The latest release, the Kodak Mini Shot combines the features of an analogue and digital camera to print physical photos. While the camera is pretty basic to use, what...

Ene 2018

Comentario de experto escrito por : Tecnozoom (tecnozoom.it)

Expert Review


Ressistente a pioggia ed urti; Dimensioni

Pacco Batteria

La Kodak Mini è una videocamera digitale VGA compatta la cui caratteristica più interessante è senz’altro il prezzo e la portabilità, oltre al lato rugged che permette di utilizzarla praticamente in ogni condizione ambientale. Interessantissimo il...

Dic 2010

Comentario de Usuario (tigerdirect.com)

Love it.


Ok I bought this thing knowing its not the best camera out there, but it was a cheap water proof camera that I can film hours on hours of video with an 8gb card. I have taken it white water rafting down the Gauley, gone backpacking and tossed it...

Mar 2012

Comentario de Usuario (tigerdirect.com)

Product didn't work


Got for my boy for Christmas. Charged, turned on, took a couple pictures. Turned off, never came back on. Don't waste your time.

Ene 2012

Comentario de Usuario (tigerdirect.com)



How ever this company took great care of me.

Dic 2011

Comentario de Usuario (tigerdirect.com)

Not bad for the price


This is definitely not a high quality recorder. If you want to record video and take pictures without having to worry about destroying a high priced piece of equipment, then this is a good buy. Used for water adventures. Easy to switch between video...

Dic 2011

Comentario de Usuario (tigerdirect.com)

Great for the Price


This isn't the best out there but these specs for this price is pretty sweet. The pictures aren't very good quality at all but the video is great! I would definitely recommend this to someone because you can't beat it at this price.

Dic 2011

Comentario de Usuario (very.co.uk)



Brough it for my daughter for christmas. fingers cross she likes it.

Dic 2018

Comentario de Usuario (very.co.uk)

Christmas gift


Looks great i look forward to it being used outside in the summer

Dic 2018

Comparación de precios para Kodak Zm1 Mini Video Camera

No hay precios para este producto