Astell&Kern SP2000T

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 7 comentarios relacionados al producto Astell&Kern SP2000T. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 5.0/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. La gente está encantada con el diseño. La fiabilidad también consigue un buen feedback, aunque hay algunas opiniones críticos respecto a la relación calidad-precio y el software.

funcionalidad, diseño, fiabilidad

relación calidad-precio, tamaño, software

Analizamos las valoraciones de los usuarios y los expertos, la edad del producto y demás factores. Comparado con otros productos el Astell&Kern SP2000T recibe una alaScore™ global de 95/100 = calidad excelente.

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Comentario de experto escrito por : Simon Lucas (

Astell and Kern Aultima SP2000T


As far as unadulterated audio excitement goes, Astell & Kern's A&Ultima portable music player offers plenty of it

Endlessly revealing, utterly musical sound ; Extensive specification ; Nicely made, finished and presented

Punishingly expensive ; Big and heavy by ‘portable’ standards ; Battery life is nothing special

Yes, it’s expensive. Yes, it’s relatively bulky and heavy. But as far as unadulterated audio excitement goes, you get what you pay for (and subsequently carry around)

Dic 2021

Comentario de experto escrito por : Simon Lucas (

Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T review


A portable pièce de résistance

Deeply impressive across-the-board sound ; Lavishly specified ; Undeniable pride of ownership

Large and heavy by prevailing ‘portable’ standards ; Easily considered expensive

Ene 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por : Mel Martin (

Astell&Kern A&ultima SP2000T Portable Digital Music Player Review -


Can a tube amplified portable audio player make a difference in the audio quality you experience?

Packaging, design, and presentation are first-rate. ; Setup is easy and fast. ; The HD screen is bright and color accurate. ; The internal amp(s) can drive any headphones. ; The sound is sublime listening to the solid-state amps, and for many audio...

A more complete getting started manual. The quick start card is silver ink on black paper. It’s hard for my tired eyes to read. You can download a manual from Astell&Kern, which is very complete and easy to read.

Now comes the hard part. At $2499.00 the SP2000T is not an impulse buy, but that’s true of any high-end component.

Feb 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por : Geir Nordby (

Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T Review - Musical powerhouse


Astell & Kern shows how it's done with the amazing SP2000T. A dream for your headphones!

Mellow and rich sound with lots of dynamics. Can power almost anything! Superior build quality and great user-friendliness.

Apps must be installed with APK files due to Astell & Kern's own version of the Android platform. Pre-installed versions of Tidal and Qobuz do not have full functionality.

I’m not that suggesting that you should spend upwards of 2.000 euros on a music player. But I’ve really enjoyed my time with Astell & Kern’s A&ultimae SP2000T, there’s no doubt why players like these exist.

Jul 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por : Geir Gråbein Nordby (

TEST: Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T – Kruttønne i lommeformat


Astell & Kern viser hvordan det skal gjøres, med den fantastiske SP2000T. En drøm for hodetelefonene!

Fantastisk varm og fyldig lyd, med mengder av dynamikk. Driver "alt"! God byggekvalitet, og bra brukervennlighet.

Eget Android-operativsystem gjør at apper må installeres med APK-filer. Forhåndsinstallert versjon av Tidal og Qobuz har ikke full funksjonalitet.

Jun 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por : Geir Gråbein Nordby (

Astell&Kern A&ultima SP2000T TEST: Astell&Kern A&ultima SP2000T – Musikalsk krudttønde i lommeformat


Spørger man ti kendere, hvem der laver de bedste bærbare musikafspillere på markedet, vil i hvert fald et par af dem svare Astell&Kern. De er kendt i hi-fi-branchen for at lave nogle af de bedste – og dyreste – DAP'er. Med A&ultima SP2000T har A&K...

Fantastisk varm og fyldig lyd med masser af dynamik. Kan nærmest drive alt! God byggekvalitet og fin brugervenlighed.

Tilpasset Android-operativsystem kræver, at apps skal installeres med APK-filer. De præinstallerede versioner af Tidal og Qobuz har ikke fuld funktionalitet.

Jun 2022

Comentario de experto escrito por : Geir Gråbein Nordby (

Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T TEST: Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T – Musikalisk krutdurk i fickformat


Astell & Kern visar hur det ska göras med den fantastiska SP2000T. En dröm för hörlurarna!

Jag säger inte att du ska lägga mer än 25 000 på en fickspelare. Men efter att ha lyssnat på Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T så är det åtminstone ingen tvekan om att varför sådana spelare finns. För maken till ljud får man leta efter!

Jun 2022

Comparación de precios para Astell&Kern SP2000T

No hay precios para este producto