Oppo BDP-103D

Oppo BDP-103D
alaScore 93

89 evaluaciones

Mar 2025

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 89 comentarios relacionados al producto Oppo BDP-103D. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.7/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 3.8/5 de otros productos en la categoria Reproductores DVD.

Analizamos las valoraciones de los usuarios y los expertos, la edad del producto y demás factores. Comparado con otros Reproductores DVD el Oppo BDP-103D recibe una alaScore™ global de 93/100 = calidad excelente.

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(Basado en 89 comentarios)

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Mostrando 1 - 84 de 89 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Oppo BDP-103D


alaTest has collected and analyzed 8 user reviews of Oppo BDP-103D from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other DVD Players on Amazon.co.uk.

100% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Oppo BDP-103D


alaTest has collected and analyzed 52 user reviews of Oppo BDP-103D from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 4.6/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.6/5 for other DVD Players on Amazon.com.

96% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.fr)

Résumé des avis d’ Amazon.fr sur Oppo BDP-103D


alaTest a collecté et analysé 5 avis de consommateurs sur Amazon.fr pour le produit Oppo BDP-103D. La note moyenne du produit est 4.8 sur 5, tandis que les autres Lecteurs DVD ont une note moyenne de 3.8 sur 5 sur Amazon.fr.

100% des avis sur Amazon.fr donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Este resumen está basado en los productos: OPPO BDP-103DOPPO BDP-103D

Mar 2025

Comentario de Usuario (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per Oppo BDP-103D


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 9 recensioni utente su Oppo BDP-103D da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 5.0/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri Lettori DVD su Amazon.it.

100% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Este resumen está basado en los productos: OPPO BDP-103D Darbee Edition 3D 4K Blueray playerOPPO BDP-103D Darbee Edition 3D 4K Blueray player

Mar 2025

Comentario de experto escrito por : Mark Craven (homecinemachoice.com)

Oppo BDP-103D review


The Blu-ray player industry has reached a bit of a standstill. While we wait for a new 4K-enabled standard to surface, there doesn't seem much to be done in the way of improving upon current players. An indication of this is Sony and Panasonic's...

Excellent AV performance; great build quality; wide-ranging format support; Darbee Visual Presence processing

Video-on-demand services are underwhelming

Ene 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por : Clint DeBoer (audioholics.com)

Oppo BDP-103D Blu-ray Player with Darbee Visual Presence Review


Review: Oppo BDP-103D (Darbee Edition, Darbee Visual Presence, or just "DVP") is a brand new video processing technology that enhances depth and detail by looking at the luminance information.

In concluding my thoughts, I think that what really impressed me overall was that it did all this great enhancement without blowing either my color settings or my contrast and brightness calibration. When you can get true contrast enhancement without...

Nov 2013

Comentario de experto escrito por : Clint DeBoer (audioholics.com)

Oppo BDP-103D Blu-ray Player with Darbee Visual Processing


We made it over to the Darbee Visual Processing booth with the Oppo BDP-103D. The 'D' of course stands for Darbee Visual Processing. It will ship for $600, a $100 premium price over Oppo's BDP-103.

Sep 2013

Comentario de experto escrito por : Kris Deering (soundandvision.com)

Oppo BDP-103D 3D Blu-ray Player


Performance Features Ergonomics Value

Awarding a Top Pick rating is always a big deal with us, but I don’t think we’ve ever had two Top Pick products merge into one. That, however, is exactly what we have with Oppo’s latest generation of Blu-ray players, the BDP-103D and BDP-105D. The...

Feb 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por : Adrienne Maxwell (hometheaterreview.com)

Oppo BDP-103D Darbee Edition Universal Disc Player Reviewed


"Where do we go from here?" That's the question Oppo Digital had to ask itself after putting out the highly regarded BDP-103 and BDP-105 universal disc players in 2012. The design team felt that it done all it could do...

DVP does an excellent job improving picture clarity and depth without adding edge enhancement or crushing white/black detail ; The Darbee button on the remote allows for quick, easy adjustments on the fly to dial in the DVP for each source ; The...

At its higher settings, DVP can accentuate noise, add edge blurring, and create an unnaturally harsh look with facial close-ups. However, you can easily dial it back to remove those issues and still enjoy the improved detail and depth

Most video reviewers and enthusiasts run screaming from any type of video enhancement technology, and I think most of us first greeted Darbee Visual Presence with skepticism. Darbee is making believers out of us all, though. Oppo certainly isn't a...

Ene 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por : AVForums (avforums.com)

Oppo BDP-103D


Universal playback, Reference video processing, Excellent build quality and quiet operation, Very fast load and response times, Easy to use with well designed menu system, Two HDMI outputs, 7.1 Analogue audio outputs, WiFi dongle included, Well...

No dedicated stereo analogue outputs, Limited internet functionality, More expensive

The BDP-103D is another great Blu-ray player from Oppo that combines superb build quality, careful design and excellent performance in equal measures. The player is wonderfully engineered and constructed, with fast loading times, responsive navigation...

Ene 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por : Редакция THG (thg.ru)

OPPO BDP-103D: универсальный мультимедийный сетевой 3D-плеер


Универсальный сетевой 3D-плеер OPPO BDP-103D – представитель редкого на сегодняшний день домашнего 'мультимедийного хай-энда', обеспечивающий превосходное качество картинки и звука для домашнего Full HD кинотеатра.

Oct 2015

Comentario de experto escrito por : hifitest.de (hifitest.de)

Oppo BDP-103D


Das Bessere ist der Feind des Guten; diese Aussage trifft häufig die Weiterentwicklungen in der Unterhaltungselektronik. Beim BD-103 von Oppo müsste man diesen Satz eigentlich steigern. Bevor wir uns hier jedoch grammatikalisch verrenken, sehen wir uns...

Jun 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por (besteproduct.nl)

Oppo BDP-103D


Nou, dat kun je zo wel stellen. Ondanks dat de Oppo BDP-103D al wat langer in de winkel ligt en we de score daarom hebben afgewaardeerd, staat het sein nog steeds op groen. Dat betekent dat de BDP-103D eerder zelfs een hogere score heeft gehad en tot...

Geweldige constructiekwaliteit ; Uitstekende AV-prestaties ; Ondersteunt veel mediaformaten ; Geweldige beeldkwaliteit bij Blu-ray en DVD ; 1e klas USB/DLNA-audiospeler ; Uitstekende video-equalizer ; Complete analoge 7.1

Geen geweldige video-on-demand services ; Veel US-apps functioneren niet andere landen

Comentario de Usuario (prisjakt.nu)


Sep 2015

Comparación de precios para Oppo BDP-103D

No hay precios para este producto

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