Panasonic KX-TGH220

Panasonic KX-TGH220
alaScore 91

104 evaluaciones

Mar 2025

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 104 comentarios relacionados al producto Panasonic KX-TGH220. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.0/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.0/5 de otros productos en la categoria Telefonía Inalámbrica.

Analizamos las valoraciones de los usuarios y los expertos, la edad del producto y demás factores. Comparado con otros Telefonía Inalámbrica el Panasonic KX-TGH220 recibe una alaScore™ global de 91/100 = calidad excelente.

Analisis de Comentarios

(Basado en 104 comentarios)

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Mostrando 1 - 51 de 104 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario ( review summary for Panasonic KX-TGH220


alaTest has collected and analyzed 39 user reviews of Panasonic KX-TGH220 from The average user rating for this product is 4.2/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other Cordless Phones on

85% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Comentario de Usuario (

Risultato recensioni per Panasonic KX-TGH220


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 2 recensioni utente su Panasonic KX-TGH220 da La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 3.5/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri Cordless su

100% di recensioni su attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Mar 2025

Comentario de experto escrito por (

Panasonic KX-TGH220 review

  (Rating Oculto)

The Panasonic KX-TGH220 is a top-of-the range cordless home phone. The device has a built-in answering machine plus a number of advanced features, including call-blocking technology. But how well can it do the basics, such as making calls and recording...

Oct 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por (Stiftung Warentest)

Panasonic KX-TGH220


Das Pan­asonic KX-TGH220 ist ein gutes schnurloses Telefon mit Anruf­beant­worter (test-Qualitäts­urteil: 2,3). Mit Farb­dis­play und separater Lade­station. Telefon­funk­tion gut (Note: 2,4). Gute Reich­weite. Warnton erst nach Überschreiten der...

Qualitäts­urteil: gut (2,3) ; Telefonieren: gut (2,4) ; Anruf­beant­worter: befriedigend (3,0) ; Hand­habung: gut (2,1) ; Akku: gut (2,1) ; Vielseitig­keit: gut (1,6) ; Umwelt­eigenschaften: gut (1,9)

Comentario de experto escrito por : Hannes Rügheimer (

Panasonic KX


Das Panasonic KX-TGH 220 ist ein Mittelklasse-DECT, das im Test keine großen Schwächen zeigt und günstig zu haben ist.

günstiger Preis ; Farbdisplay ; Babyphone und Wecker inklusive ; Full-Eco-Mode

kein Headset-Anschluss ; kein CAT-iq für besseren Klang

Ene 2015

Comentario de experto escrito por : Константин Иванов (

Обзор DECT-телефона Panasonic KX-TGH220


Классический DECT-аппарат от Panasonic с автоответчиком. Главным отличием от предшественников является дизайн трубки. Это все тот же минимализм, но от обтекаемых форм, пришедших из 1990-х, разработчики решили отказаться в пользу большего количества...

По меркам рынка DECT-телефонов, Panasonic KX-TGH220 является довольно дорогой моделью. Цена в Москве составляет порядка 3 000 рублей. Учитывая, что в комплект входят только базовый блок и трубка, а наиболее интересная «фишка» аппарата покупается...

Oct 2014

Comentario de experto escrito por (

Panasonic KX-TGH220


Nou, dat is nog niet helemaal duidelijk, maar de eerste indruk is positief. We hebben nog niet veel experttesten van de Panasonic KX-TGH220 verzameld, maar er ontstaat een positief beeld. Kijk hieronder eens bij de voor- en nadelen of die je al verder...

Comentario de Usuario (

Worst sound quality ever - how did Which get to its verdict?

  (Rating Oculto)

We have asked for a replacement order twice, and each time the same result - terrible voice quality, very difficult to understand the people on the other side of the line. This clearly is not a fault, and we have advised John Lewis to stop selling this...

May 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

Features What Features?

  (Rating Oculto)

Not a good experience! I have to input my contacts via a pointlessly convoluted 'feature'. The menu is equally convoluted making it a pain to use and often having to repeat steps several times to do one simple entry. Did Which really test this the most...

May 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

Value for money


It is easy to setup and use. I find when someone is talking it's a bit echoey, however, not that much it would be a problem. I don't like the fact that the front screen is always on. Overall, a great phone for the money.

Feb 2019

Comentario de Usuario (

Great features


Love this phone with answer machine so many ring tones and great ring tones too looks lovely . Thank you so much very I'm one happy customer x

Ene 2018

Comentario de Usuario (

Very disappointed - sound quality is terrible


Two main downsides: Sound quality is just awful - the voice of the person I'm speaking to is frequently muffled and fuzzy, and I am constantly having to ask whoever it is to speak up, or put their phone right next to their mouth, which gets very...

May 2017

Comparación de precios para Panasonic KX-TGH220

No hay precios para este producto