Doctor Who: Delta And The Bannermen

Doctor Who: Delta And The Bannermen
alaAverage 2.8

5 evaluaciones

Sep 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 5 comentarios relacionados al producto Doctor Who: Delta And The Bannermen. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 2.8/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.3/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos.

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 56/100.

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Comentario de Usuario (

"I think I may have gone a little too far..."


80s Dr Who at its worst. the Bannermen themselves are poor villains, the incidental music is too much and the quest cast are badly underused - especially Ken Dodd's Tollmaster. it tries to be fun but mostly winds up just being silly

Abr 2010

Comentario de Usuario (

Lowest of the low


Season 24 as a whole is pretty hard-going to watch and this is just a shoddy mess. Sylvester McCoy only found his feet playing the Doctor in Remembrance of the Daleks the following year. Bonnie Langford is the archetypal screaming companion, her...

May 2009

Comentario de Usuario (



I am a big fan of the Sylvester McCoy era, and this is one of his classics! True - there is a lot of silly stuff - Ken Dodd (not too bad really) and Billy turning into an alien, but there is so much good stuff too. I honestly believe that Gavrok is one...

Abr 2009

Comentario de Usuario (

Good fun...if you're not a Geek!


Now, "Doctor Who" fans continually applaud the fact that 'their' show has the most flexible, innovative format in the entire history of Science Fiction drama. However, when the makers of the series flex this format and dare to step out of the hallowed...

Abr 2009

Comentario de Usuario (

by jove missus


sylvester mcoy always was without a doubt the WORST dr ever and this abysmal piece of trash proves need for a long winded critique....only two words are required..ken dodd.dreadful beyond words.

Abr 2009

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