Doctor Who (New Series 4): Volume 4

Doctor Who (New Series 4): Volume 4
alaAverage 4.6

5 evaluaciones

Sep 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 5 comentarios relacionados al producto Doctor Who (New Series 4): Volume 4. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.6/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.3/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. Los usuarios están impresionados con el diseño. La funcionalidad también consigue un buen feedback pero la fiabilidad consigue comentarios menos favorables.

luminosidad, diseño, funcionalidad


En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 92/100.

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Comentario de Usuario (

The best series finale yet!!!!!!


Turn Left is a brilliant episode which shows what would have happened if Donna hadn't met the Doctor. At the end of this episode it makes you feel that the finale was going to be three episodes long like series 3 as this episode left you with a...

Jul 2008

Comentario de Usuario (

Probaly the best Doctor who Dvd of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This DVD is jam with amazing special effects, terryfing monsters and some very big shocks!

Jul 2008

Comentario de Usuario (

Worth it


Russel T Davies' Doctor Who finales have something of a reputation of being a bit overblown, overwhelming and a bit silly (last year's finale saw the Doctor turned into Dobby the House elf while the Master danced around to Scissor Sisters on the ship...

Jul 2008

Comentario de Usuario (

A lot of something for the weekend!


Excellent series! The chemistry between the Dr and Donna (David and Catherine) equals that of the Dr and Rose, but in a platonic way rather than anything sexual. Great humour, great writing, great acting. Can't praise it highly enough. It was the last...

Jul 2008

Comentario de Usuario (

The greatest new series vanilla case release!


Season Four of the revived franchise comes to a dramatically moving, entirely enjoyable, thought provoking and immensely rewarding viewing experience with three of the finest episodes we've seen since 2005! Leading off we have this year's 'Doctor-lite'...

Jul 2008

Comparación de precios para Doctor Who (New Series 4): Volume 4

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