Doctor Who: The Sun Makers (Dr Who)

Doctor Who: The Sun Makers (Dr Who)
alaAverage 4.4

6 evaluaciones

Sep 2024

  • Negativo

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 6 comentarios relacionados al producto Doctor Who: The Sun Makers (Dr Who). En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.3/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. La gente está impresionada con el diseño.


En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 87/100.

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Comentario de Usuario (

The best story ever


Given this is filmed in the 70s the story on this is awsome. One of my favourite stories infact as alot of truth amongst us humans today. More so them elites looking for a new world order in witch we pay for everything

Feb 2013

Comentario de Usuario (

more cloud than sun making


I seem to be in the minority with this one as I don't find the story in the least bit interesting and the satire on the tax system is mildly amusing only for a while. There was a definite shift in the type of story about halfway through the Tom Baker...

Ago 2011

Comentario de Usuario (

The Sun Makers


The Tardis brings The Doctor, Leeta and K9 to Pluto in the far future where the planet is habitable and heated by little suns. Not everything is good though as an evil companey has control over the planet and the people are taxed to desperation. When...

Jul 2011

Comentario de Usuario (

To the previous reviewer...


The artwork hasnt been confirmed yet, this is just something they are using until they get the oficial artwork.

May 2011

Comentario de Usuario (

Your hugeness


A satire on our TAX system. A great story and also funny. 5 stars. However, I am almost inclined to dock a star as I have one issue with this release and a number of new releases. The packaging. The DVD cover doesn't show anything relating to the story...

Abr 2011

Comentario de Usuario (

Over looked Classic


This is one of the best Baker stories a excellent script , ploy and great comedy one liners.5 stars

Abr 2011

Comparación de precios para Doctor Who: The Sun Makers (Dr Who)

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