Haier HL15T

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 5 comentarios relacionados al producto Haier HL15T. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 3.2/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.3/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. Los usuarios están impresionados con el sonido y el tamaño. La calidad de la imagen y la relación calidad-precio también obtiene comentarios favorables.

funcionalidad, tamaño, relación calidad-precio, sonido, calidad de la imagen

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 60/100 y los expertos valoran este producto en 70/100.

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(Basado en 5 comentarios)

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Comentario de Usuario (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Haier HL15T


alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 user reviews of Haier HL15T from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 2.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. People are impressed by the sound and usability. The image quality and price are also appreciated.

price, image quality, usability, sound

50% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Sep 2024

Comentario de experto escrito por (hdtvuniverse.com)

Haier HL15T Review – 15-inch LCD HDTV


This one is a bit different from the normal HDTV's. It is just too small to fit into a living room. But it is very ideal for small houses. It is a very handy HDTV to be kept near you. The black bezel bears the Haier logo at the bottom. It is framed in...

Jul 2009

Comentario de experto escrito por : Jonathan McLelland (associatedcontent.com)

Haier 15" LCD TV Review


The Haier 15" LCD TV, Model: HL15E has all of the major features that most big-screen TVs obtain; however, it is in a perfectly sized frame for your bedroom or other small room.

Feb 2008

Comentario de Usuario (epinions.com)

Here's to Haier


Easy setup, great picture and sound quality and options. User friendly remote control

Not intuitively obvious to select air or cable as a reception option.

Feb 2007

Comparación de precios para Haier HL15T

No hay precios para este producto