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Those thin-bezel flatscreen TVs from Hisense, LG, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony may look more or less the same, but our TV reviews reveal the big differences, plus pick out the best and worst.
Our lab tests show which TVs have superb picture quality, sound fantastic and are easy to use, as well as those that have thin reedy sound and cope with motion about as well as someone in plimsoles on an icerink. Plus, our survey of owners reveals which brands last the longest and those that people would buy again.
Compare all of the models we have tested with our TV reviews.
We test everything from SD picture quality to susrround sound effects on every TV, so you can be sure you're buying an excellent model that's right for you. Only logged-in Which? members can view our recommendations. If you’re not yet a member, you can get instant access to all of our online reviews if you join Which.
The TVs here are some of the best we've tested at different sizes and prices. The highest-rated TVs tend to be expensive, which is why we've chosen some Great Value models, too, because not everyone needs the most high-end model out there.
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A TV is an expensive purchase and it's a device that you're likely going to use a lot, so you want it to be good. Our tests are exhaustive and each TV spends more than month in our lab before we're ready to give our verdict. This means that when you read our reviews, you can have absolute confidence in those expert verdicts and Best Buy recommendations.
A Best Buy TV will have rich, balanced sound that's versatile and suitable for whatever genre you enjoy watching. It will look fantastic, too, with crisp, precise detail with balanced and vibrant colours, and broad contrast at every resolution.
We go further than just picture and sound, as we also test to see how easy a TV is to use if you're blind or partially sighted, and check how it handles your personal data.
Plus, we never take samples from brands. Every model we test was bought from a shop, so we know our tests align with your experience with the TV at home.
The UK is a nation of TV lovers and whatever you like to watch, it should look and sound good, especially as some sets can cost up to £2,000. There are too many poor TVs out there to risk wandering into Currys and picking one, particularly as picture modes that make them look so vibrant in stores could look gaudy and artificial at home. Our lab calibrate TVs for home settings so they're reflective of real use.
New TVs can cost a small fortune, but 4K ones are available for as little as £300 once they've been on sale for a few months. Popular online retailers include:
To see which retailers are rated highly by Which? members, read our guide on the best and worst shops.
Typically, 32-inch HD TVs cost between £200 and £400. For a similar price you could find slightly larger 40 to 43-inch TVs, most of which have a better 4K Ultra HD screen. You won't see any 32-inch 4K sets since the screens are too small to really notice the difference in sharpness.
We rarely find Best Buys for less than £400, but there are several between £500 and £1,000.
Yes and no.
Yes, because more expensive TVs will have better technology and a sharper design, often with thinner bezels. Better motion processing is a hallmark of high-end modelss, so they will often produce smoother pictures, while cheaper models can sometimes judder.
No, because many TVs will drop in price significantly in the months following its release. So provided you're prepared to wait a bit, you can bag yourself a bargain.
It's true that TV quality tends to improve as the price gets higher, but that doesn't mean there aren't some diamonds to be found in the entry-level ranges.
Need a new one now? See our pick of the best cheap TVs.
To get a Great Value recommendation from us a TV needs to score at least 65% and cost less than most models.
We work out average prices depending on the size range:
Our Great Value badge guarantees that it's good enough to consider buying and costs less than most others of similar quality. Great Value TVs can be Best Buys, but don't have to be. A TV needs a score of 71% or above to be a Best Buy, while a Great Value TV needs to score at least 65%.
See our TV reviews and use the Great Value filter to see the latest affordable models.
Learn more about how to hear your TV better or check out the best TVs for people who are blind or partially sighted.
Different resolutions, screen types and software means it's more than just the price that sets them apart from each other. The screen type is important, but it's not the be all and end all. It doesn't make a bit of difference to the audio or how easy the TV is to use and you shouldn't discount a model based purely on what screen it has.
LCD displays are the most common and it's likely your current TV uses one. Several bulbs, known as a backlight, shine on a layer of liquid crystals to create the images on screen. These TVs are cheaper to produce than OLEDs and QLEDs, which is why they are more common, particularly at smaller sizes.
Widely considered the best screen technology for contrast and motion. OLED TVs start at about £1,000 for a 42 or 48-inch screen, but can stretch up to a few thousand pounds.
Typically among the most expensive on the market, replacing plasma screens in recent years. They don't use a backlight – each bulb in the display is self-emitting, which is why the contrast and motion control is so excellent.
QLED TVs have more in common with LCDs. They still use a backlight, but it illuminates a layer of quantum dots as well as liquid crystals. These dots are said to produce more vibrant colours.
There are Neo QLEDs, too, which use a backlight with far smaller bulbs. This means there are more of them and Neo QLEDs have better contrast control as a result.
Security and software support is an important consideration when buying a smart TV, dictating how long the brand aims to update the device with new features and security patches to guard against emerging threats.
We estimate the 'lifetime' of a smart TV – the average time we’d expect a TV to last before it breaks down or deteriorates significantly – is 6.8 years. This is based on robust analysis of recent product surveys and is a conservative estimate, and we’re confident that the genuine average is longer.
We asked the biggest brands for information on their support policies and many are falling well short of this lifetime estimate.
While you may not be at immediate risk if you're using an unsupported device, it makes sense to buy and use a device you know will receive update support for a decent period. For more, read our guide to smart home security.
Your home network is only as strong as its weakest link, and with dozens of items connected to your router there are plenty of areas for a hacker to attack.
If your TV isn't secure, it could allow a hacker access to your router – and if that's compromised then anything on your network could be at risk. It could contain personal data such as app and wi-fi login data, as well as card details in some cases if you've rented a film or signed up for an app through your TV.
Hackers can hijack a TV to display their own content. They could put up fake versions of app login screens to trick you into entering your card details and steal your information.
Find out the most reliable TV brands from our customer satisfaction survey.
Retailers will be quick to promote expensive HDMI leads with fancy sounding features, such as gold-plated connecting pins. Some may cost the same as a decent Blu-ray player. However, save your money and buy the cheapest leads available.
Which? testing has shown that cheap HDMI leads – even value ones costing just a few pounds – can perform just as well as more expensive ones. When we last ran HDMI tests, we found that a £10 HDMI lead from a supermarket gave no discernible difference in picture quality to one costing almost £100.
In 2021, new laws were introduced to make sure TVs were more easy to repair by the owner and third-party repairers. Manufacturers are now required to make some parts available for seven years after the TV's release and that's whether you're buying a £2,000 OLED or a £200 32-inch Full HD TV.
To everyone for seven years:
To professional repairers for a minimum of seven years:
Looking for a truly huge screen? Check out our pick of the best home projectors.
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